Media release – Boil water notice lifted for Martinborough

17 May 2019

Martinborough residents no longer need to boil water for drinking and food preparation. The decision to lift the boil water notice was taken by Council, in consultation with Regional Public Health, following confirmation today that chlorination had reached the required levels for safe drinking water. Chlorination was introduced on Monday as an additional barrier to protecting against future risk of contamination.

It has been a challenging time for the town’s businesses, residents, visitors, Council staff and contractors working to resolve the issue. Winemakers, in particular, have needed to take steps to ensure chlorination of the town water had no impact on their processes and end product.

South Wairarapa Mayor Viv Napier says, “today we’re very pleased, and relieved, to share that the water is safe to drink. It’s been quite a journey to date. We can’t thank everybody enough for their support and co-operation during this challenging time.”

To minimise the potential for discoloured water, due the introduction of chlorine to water with manganese, Council has cleaned the network pipes to remove as much manganese as possible. In addition, water is being supplied from the bore with the lowest levels of manganese. This bore should have enough water to supply the town for the winter period.

There will be community consultation around what is the appropriate permanent treatment solution for Martinborough drinking water, including continuation of chlorination.

Ms Napier says, “I’ve drunk the water, and it tastes good. Of course, we need to hear from the community on their thoughts on the long-term solution for protecting Martinborough’s water”.

The town was issued a boil water notice on 9 April, and network-wide investigations to date have not identified the probable source of contamination.

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Further information is available at or call 06 306 9611.


Media contact

Amy Wharram

027 252 2863

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