Māori Standing Committee
The purpose of the Māori Standing Committee is to advocate on behalf of and in the best interests of tāngata whenua in the District (including the descendants of hapū of Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa and Rangitāne o Wairarapa) and to ensure that the Council is fulfilling its obligations to them.
The Māori Standing Committee is comprised of two representatives from each of the three South Wairarapa Marae, two representatives from Pae Tū Mokai o Tauira, one representative from each of the two Wairarapa Iwi, two Councillors, and the Mayor.

Māori Standing Committee membership
- Andrea Rutene (Chair) – Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa
- Karen Mikaera (Deputy Chair) – Pae Tū Mōkai O Tauira
- Mark Fenwick – Pae Tū Mōkai O Tauira
- Dorothy Whittaker – Rangitāne o Wairarapa
- Violet Edwards – Kohunui Marae
- Leonie Edwards – Kohunui Marae
- Te Rina Kaiwai – Pāpāwai Marae
- JD Smith – Hau Ariki Marae
- Whitu Karauna – Hau Ariki Marae
- Mayor Martin Connelly
- Councillor Pip Maynard
- Councillor Martin Bosley
Contact the Māori Standing Committee
Correspondence may be directed to Chair Andrea Rutene (mscchair@swdc.govt.nz), Principal Advisor, Pou Māori (narida.hooper@swdc.govt.nz) or the Committee Advisor (robyn.ramsden@swdc.govt.nz).
Terms of Reference