
South Wairarapa District Councils (SWDC) Long-Term Plan sets the funding available for community support through grants. Through our Council, committees, and community boards we support several one-off and ongoing activities in the district.

We also administer funds from other sources, including funding administered on behalf of other agencies. These funds may have their own additional eligibility criteria.

Who can apply?

SWDC has a Grants Policy that guides the allocation of funding that benefits South Wairarapa communities and contributes to our outcomes and vision. You can check here to see if your project meets the eligibility criteria.

When can I apply?

Each of the funding rounds open and close at different times. Here is a link to the current open funding round calendar for Council administered grants for 2024. This will tell you when the different funding rounds open and close, and when the decisions for funding will be made.

Which fund should I apply for?

SWDC have several funds we administer grants from. To help you decide which fund best fits your project outcomes, use the flow chart here.

Grants List

  • Community & Youth Grants – opens 8 August and closes 16 September
  • Martinborough Community Board Fund – opens 26 September and closes 3 October
  • Māori Standing Committee Fund – opens 1 October and closes 15 October
  • Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund – opens 20 September and closes 22 October
  • Featherston Community Board Fund – opens 9 October and closes 23 October
  • Greytown Community Board Fund – opens 23 October and closes 6 November
  • Community Wellbeing Fund – final round now closing 18 September

Community and Youth Fund

The Council’s Long-Term Plan sets the funding available for community support through grants. Through our funding we support one-off and ongoing activities. By providing direct financial assistance, SWDC can support shared objectives, be a catalyst for positive change, deliver value for money to ratepayers, and help to sustain a thriving and independent community sector.

Community and Youth Fund Application Form

Māori Standing Committee Fund

To be eligible for a grant from the Māori Standing Committee fund, applicants must be able to demonstrate their connection to South Wairarapa through whakapapa or family connection, or how the activity will benefit the South Wairarapa Māori and non-Māori community.

Māori Standing Committee Fund Application Form

Featherston Community Board Fund

The Featherston Community Board funds community organisations, marae committees, an individual, or a group of individuals who have come together for a common purpose to benefit the Featherston ward.

Featherston Community Board Fund Application Form

Greytown Community Board Fund

The Greytown Community Board funds community organisations, marae committees, an individual, or a group of individuals who have come together for a common purpose to benefit the Greytown ward.

Greytown Community Board Fund Application Form

Martinborough Community Board Fund

The Martinborough Community Board funds community organisations, marae committees, an individual, or a group of individuals who have come together for a common purpose to benefit the Martinborough ward.

Martinborough Community Board Fund Application Form

Pain Farm Fund

In 1932, George Pain made a will bequeathing the 210 acre property known as the Pain Farm to the then Borough Council (now the SWDC). Under provisions of the Charitable Trust Act 1957 in February 1966 the Court directed:

“That the income from the Trust Lands should be used, in maintaining and improving the borough’s parks, sports grounds, camping ground, swimming baths, providing equipping and maintaining sports facilities and a children’s playground in such manner and in such proportion as the Council may from time to time decide.”

Any funding distribution from the Pain Farm must be of benefit to the residents of Martinborough.

Pain Farm Fund applications open on 15 January and will close on 29 February 2024 for consideration at the following Martinborough Community Board meeting. Application forms below.

Pain Farm Fund Application Form

Creative Communities Scheme Fund

The Creative Communities Scheme (CCS) supports and encourages local communities to create and present diverse opportunities for accessing and participating in arts activities within the South Wairarapa. The scheme is a partnership between Creative NZ and the Council who administer the scheme. To be successful applications must show that the proposed project meets one or more of the funding criteria: Access and participation, diversity and/or young people. Further information on CCS and your application can be found here (English / Te Reo).

Creative Communities Scheme Fund Application Form

Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund

The Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund is open to South Wairarapa sports clubs and school teams with young people aged between 5 and 19 years who require subsidies to assist with transport expenses to local sporting competitions. The scheme is a partnership between Council and Sport NZ and was developed in response to concerns about the lack of participation in sport by young people living in rural communities. Application guidelines can be found here.

Applications close 22 October 2024. Please send applications to

Sport New Zealand Rural Travel Fund Application Form

Community Wellbeing Fund

The Community Wellbeing fund is designed to support projects and initiatives that foster positive change and enhance the quality of life for people in the South Wairarapa district. Applicants will need to demonstrate how their project will meet one or more of the four core wellbeing outcomes: social, economic, environmental and cultural.

The Community Wellbeing Fund has a pool of $500,000 available. The funding was made available from Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs, from the better off support packages that were provided to Local Authorities under the Three Waters Reform. Application criteria and examples of eligible projects can be found below.

The final round of funding for the Community Wellbeing Fund is now the 18 of September. For more information about this fund and to apply go to:

Other ways we can support

Community organisations, marae committees, an individual, or a group of individuals who have come
together for a common purpose to benefit the South Wairarapa and who meet the eligibility criteria
outlined above, may also be eligible for a concession of up to 50% of the cost or a charge for hire or similar fee payable for the short-term use of a Council owned facility.

Venue Hire Remission Application Form

What kind of projects have been funded in the past?

Information about all the projects and organisations which have been funded since 2019 can be found here:

Are there any other grants I may be eligible for?

Organisations may be eligible for other funding in our community. Here you will find some external funding opportunities that you may wish to explore. This is not a comprehensive list.

How do I join the Creative Communities Scheme assessor panel and what does it involve?

We’re looking for people to help assess for Creative Communities Scheme funding. Each year Creative New Zealand provides CCS funding to local and district councils throughout New Zealand to distribute in their area. The scheme supports more than 1,800 projects nationally every year.

We need people who:

  • Have experience in one or more art forms
  • Have knowledge of what’s happening in the arts locally
  • With specific cultural knowledge relevant to the arts
  • People of all ages

What’s involved?

You’ll be required to attend two assessment meetings per year and will help assess applications for funding from artistic individuals and community groups.

If you’re interested in being an assessor fill out this Creative Communities Scheme Assessor application form or if you want to know more, contact our grants team at

Contact us.

If you have any questions or require any support with funding applications, please contact us at

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