Community Wellbeing Fund

We have been overwhelmed with a large number of applications for the second of three rounds of the Community Wellbeing Fund with submissions to date that total nearly one million dollars of funding requested. For this reason, we are cancelling the third round of submissions and extending the second round with applications to be received by Wednesday 18 September at 5pm. That will be the final deadline and only allocation remaining for the fund.

To read more about this visit:

The Community Wellbeing fund is designed to support projects and initiatives that foster positive change and enhance the quality of life for people in the South Wairarapa district. Applicants will need to demonstrate how their project will meet one or more of the four core wellbeing outcomes: social, economic, environmental and cultural.

The Community Wellbeing Fund has a pool of $500,000 available. The funding was made available from Te Tari Taiwhenua, the Department of Internal Affairs, from the better off support packages that were provided to Local Authorities under the Three Waters Reform. Application criteria and examples of eligible projects can be found below.

Eligible projects

Through the Community Wellbeing Fund, Council will support projects, initiative and activities that contribute to our four wellbeing outcomes:

  • Social Wellbeing – Residents are active, healthy, safe, resilient, optimistic and connected
  • Cultural Wellbeing – Strong relationships with whānau, hāpu and marae, celebrating diverse cultural identity, arts and heritage
  • Economic Wellbeing – A place of destination, new business and diverse employment that gives people independence and opportunity
  • Environmental Wellbeing – Sustainable living, safe and secure water and soils, waste minimisation, biodiversity enhanced

Applications are weighted on their merits within one or more of the four wellbeing outcomes along with one of the criteria below:

Supporting communities to transition to a sustainable and low emissions economy

Examples of wellbeing projects could include things like: school garden to table projects, community solar projects and other green initiatives.

Under this criteria you could request funding to support waste reduction and recycling or environmental education projects, among many other wellbeing initiatives to benefit the community.

Delivery of initiatives that support improvements in community wellbeing

Examples of wellbeing projects could include community events, wellbeing workshops or initiatives that encourage and promote social, cultural, environmental and economic self-sufficiency.

Under this criteria, if you were a group whose purpose is to improve health, activity and opportunities for Tamariki, you could request funding for operational costs or a new programme to enhance your service delivery.

Committee assessment dates

*There is now only one submission date remaining – Wednesday 18 September at 5pm. For more information about why this has changed visit:

Applications are open now and there are three rounds of submissions which are due on 12 July, 23 August and 31 October. However, because this is a contestable fund, we advise that you apply sooner rather than later as the fund will close once all money has been allocated.

The submissions will be assessed on 24 July, 4 September and 27 November 2024 by a Community Wellbeing Fund Subcommittee, made up of councillors, the Chief Executive and representatives from the Community Boards and Māori Standing Committee.

Community Wellbeing Fund Subcommittee sitting schedules are available to view here: Meetings, Agendas and Minutes.

Key documents

You can either apply online using the APPLY NOW button above or print and fill out this application form. Send your application and supporting documents to or drop it into our offices at 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough.

· CWBF Application Form (downloadable PDF)

· CWBF Eligibility, Criteria and Conditions

For further information about this fund or for any queries you may have regarding applications, please contact Lina McManus, Funding and Grants Advisor:

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