Visit our Parks

South Wairarapa District Council looks after over 20 parks and reserves for our community to use and enjoy.


Martinborough Square

Memorial Square – In the very centre of town, this park was created by local residents to commemorate soldiers who died in WW1, WW2 and the Boer War. Another memorial marks those lost in the Korean, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam conflicts. It is also traditionally the hub of the annual Martinborough Fair. In 2021, a plaque was placed to mark the centenary of the gates at the entrance.

Waihenga Playground – Outside the new community events centre and library is a well used playground with lots of exciting equipment.

Considine and Centennial Park – A key sports park, Considine and Centennial Park Reserve offers 6.47ha of open recreation spaces, a swimming pool, camping ground, equestrian facilities, a walkway and notable trees.

You can also check out the StoryWalk® hosted by the Wairarapa Library Service that begins at Considine Park. A StoryWalk® is a fun and interactive combination of walking and stories for schoolchildren to enjoy year round. Read more about it on the library website and have a look at the map here: Map of StoryWalk in Martinborough.


Ōtauira Reserve

Clifford Square – Clifford Square offers a miniature railway, in close proximity to a children’s adventure playground and Wind-Grass, a remarkable kinetic sculpture by artist Konstantin Dimopoulos.

Card Reserve – Card Reserve offers a variety of sports fields and a swimming pool over an area of nearly 8 hectares. Access is from Underhill Road, Johnston Street and Harrison Street West.

Ōtauira Reserve – Access to Ōtauira Reserve is off the SH2 Remutaka Hill Road just before you get into Featherston. There is a short trail from here that takes you into Dorset Square. Gates open at 6:30am and close at 5:30pm.

Dorset Square – Dorset Square is bordered by Ludlam, Moore, Brandon and Renall Streets. Among the native trees, you’ll find plaques commemorating veterans.

Barr-Brown Bush – Barr-Brown Bush is a magical 400 year old native bush remnant with a network of short walks to explore and towering mātai trees. Access from Underhill Road.

Featherston Domain – Featherston Domain has three access points at the very northern ends of Revans St, Bell St and Harrison St. Enjoy the energetic climb rewarded with views of the town below and the Wairarapa Moana beyond.


Soldiers Memorial Park, Greytown

Soldiers Memorial Park – Situated on historic Kuratawhiti Street, this park is well used by sports groups, and situated right next to a swimming pool, camping ground and an excellent playground. It is bordered on one side by a boulevard of lime trees planted in memory of the town’s WW1 soldiers. The park dates back to 1919 when Daniel O’Connor was about to sell a 20-acre block of native bush in Kuratawhiti Street to a sawmiller, and local residents banded together with the Greytown Borough Council to buy it as a war memorial. A stand of original native forest called O’Connor’s Bush remains, a remnant of the totara, matai and ribbonwood that once covered much of the Wairarapa.

Stella Bull Park and Sarah’s Garden – Left to the Greytown community in part by residents Stella Bull and Mary Tate, this lovely manicured reserve runs from Main Street to East Street, opposite the school. The reserve includes the Old Library building (1890) and Kouka or Cabbage Tree Cottage (c. 1860s). Sarah’s Garden is named after Sarah Dunn, a prolific gardener and daughter of former early resident Thomas Kempton.

Sakura Garden – The Sakura Garden is near Tauherenikau, between Featherston and Greytown on SH2. Located next to the Featherston Military Camp Memorial, it commemorates the deaths of 48 Japanese prisoners of war who were killed during an incident at the camp in 1943. The park was created by a Japanese philanthropist.

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