Council Consultation Document for the Annual Plan 2019/20 (Archived)

2019/20 ANNUAL PLAN 

The current financial year is the first year of implementation of our Long Term Plan (LTP) 2018/28.  The LTP sets our strategic direction in terms of our vision for the future of our district.    The Annual Plan Consultation Document for 2019/20 has some new ideas we’d like to have your feedback on as a result of listening to the community and reviewing activities against our Strategic Plan.

The new ideas could be implemented for additional cost and result in additional rate increases, so we need to prioritise and get your feedback.  Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the Consultation Document and making a submission.

Consultation Document

The Consultation Document is Council’s formal consultation method and will focus on the key issues the Council wants to discuss with residents. The Consultation Document [PDF] [ebook] and Supporting Documentation is available online, with hard copies available from libraries and the Council office from the 10 April 2019.


Following are the key dates for our Annual Plan 19/20 information sharing, consultation, hearings and then adoption of the final Annual Plan 19/20 document.

10 April 2019 – Annual Plan consultation opens and document published in Wairarapa Midweek
29 April 2019 – Public meeting with the community, venue WBS Room, Greytown Town Centre
30 April 2019 – Public meeting with the community, venue Kiwi Hall, Featherston
1 May 2019 –   Public meeting with the community, venue Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough
8 May 2019 –   Annual Plan 19/20 submissions close
29 May 2019 – Annual Plan Hearings and Deliberations
30 May 2019 – Annual Plan Hearings and Deliberations
31 May 2019 – Annual Plan Hearings and Deliberations (reserve day)
26 June 2019- Council adopt Annual Plan 19/20 document

Submissions have now closed

Submissions can be made in a variety of different ways:

  • Online using our webform.
  • By email, either within the body of the email or with a scanned submission form attached, or attached document, to
  • By post to Council office, PO Box 6, Martinborough 5741.
  • In person, drop off to your local library or the Council office at 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough.

Privacy: Submissions are public. Your name and submission will be included in papers that are available to the media and the public. Your submission will only be used for the purpose of making a decision on the proposal.

Submissions close at 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8 May, 2019.

Applications for Grant Funding

Council has approximately $75,000 available for youth focused projects, and $170,000 available for community grants.  To make a request for funding please submit your application using the form below following the ‘Making a Submission’ process.  If you received a grant last year, you are required to complete an accountability form for the 18/19 year.

Posted 10 April 2019
Updated 27 June 2019

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