Far North Solar Farms – Notice of Application Concerning Resource Consent
The South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) has granted a request by Far North Solar Farms Limited for their resource consent application to be referred to and determined by the Environment Court, rather than SWDC. A copy of the direct referral decision and request is below.
87C and 87D of the Resource Management Act (The Act) allow the applicant to request that a notified resource consent application be processed by the Environment Court, rather than the consent authority.
SWDC agreed with the reasons for the direct referral as set out by the applicant. SWDC considered criteria such as public interest and likelihood of appeals, complexity of the proposal, impact on parties, cost considerations and streamlined decision making to be relevant in considering whether to agree to or decline the request.
Under the Resource Management Act 1991, Council has 20 working days to prepare a report on the application. The report must:
(a) address issues that are set out in sections 104 to 112 to the extent that they are relevant to the application; and
(b) suggest conditions that it considers should be imposed if the Environment Court grants the application; and
(c) provide a summary of submission received.
Minute of Environment Court – re transcript request
Minute of Environment Court – Adjourned
Minute of Environment Court – Hearing Summary
Minute of Environment Court – Hearing Logistics
Minute of Commissioner – s274 Notices
Section 87F Report – 6 October 2023
Summary of submissions and submissions
Peer reviews and recommended conditions
s92 request and responses pre-notification part 1
s92 request and responses pre-notification part 2
s92 request and responses pre-notification part 3
s92 request and responses pre-notification part 4
s92 request and responses post-notification
SWDC Decision on Direct Referral s87E
Applicants request for Direct Referral
S92 Further Information Request
S92 Further Information Response
Acoustic Peer Review Assessment
Acceptance of Date Stamp Removal
The South Wairarapa District Council has received an application from Far North Solar Farms for a land use consent to establish and operate a 175-megawatt (peak) solar farm including:
- 321,160 photovoltaic solar panels on arrays mounted on tracking tables, with a maximum height of 4.5m above the ground
- 40 inverters, lines and associated structures
- Buildings not required for primary industry or residential
purposes exceeding 25m2 - Associated site works and new accessways
- Screening planting.
Situated at the following locations:
415 Moroa Road, Greytown; 312 Bidwills Cutting Road, Greytown; 1942 State Highway 2, Greytown; 18 Pharazyns Road, Featherston legally described as Pt LOT 6 DP 8803 (WN391/56) Pt LOT 7 DP 8803 (WN391/56) Pt LOT 10 DP 3106 (WN583/131, WN583/132) SECTION 27 MOROA SETT (WNE1/330) LOT 1 DP 52574 BLKS IV WAIRARAPA SD BLK (WN22A/575) PT SEC 122 MOROA DISTRICT (WN36B/542) LOT 1 DP 76478 (WN43B/286)
The application includes an assessment of environmental effects.
Digital copies are available below.
If you have any questions about the application, please contact the Duty Planner on 06 306 9611 or planningteam@swdc.govt.nz
Application form
Amended plans
Site plans (amended)
Plan final
Glint & glare effects & mitigation
Iwi consultation
Landscape assessment effects ranking
Landscape assessment figures
Landscape assessment
Landscape assessment methodology
Landscape assessment visual simulations
Landscape mitigation plan
LUC soil map
Proposed screening
Further information request
s92 response
s95 decision