Water restrictions

South Wairarapa is at Water Restriction Level 2

For up to date water restrictions in the District, click here

The current Wairarapa Consolidated Bylaw 2019 states that “the customer shall comply with any restriction or other conservation measures which may be approved by Council to manage high seasonal or other demands”. 

Higher levels of water restrictions are normally triggered by our Resource Consent conditions relating to the level of flows in the Rumahunga River, but they can triggered for other reasons resulting in reduced water supply.

Water restrictions are advised by public notice on Wellington Water’s website and on our Facebook page.

Applying water restrictions on users is part of implementing our overarching Water Conservation Stratetegy.

Water Restriction Level 1 – Use sprinklers every other day

Outdoor water restrictions start at Level 1. If you live in an even numbered house, you can use sprinklers or irrigation systems only on even numbered days between 6-8am and 7-9pm. If you live in an odd numbered house, the same rules apply for odd numbered days.

You can use handheld watering devices any time, on any day, so long as you don’t leave them unattended.

Water restriction Level 1 applies all year round in South Wairarapa.

Water Restriction Level 2 – Limit residential outdoor water use

Water restriction Level 2 means there is a ban on sprinklers and irrigation systems. You can use handheld watering devices anytime, on any day, so long as you don’t leave them unattended.

Water Restriction Level 3 – Stop residential outdoor water use

Water restriction Level 3 means there is a ban on all residential outdoor water use.

Water Restriction Level 4 – Drought Conditions – Ban on outdoor water use, reduce indoor water use

Water Restriction Level 4 means there is a significant water shortage. At level 4 there is a ban on all outdoor water use, and we need to reduce our indoor water use to ensure there is enough water for everyone.

To help save water, people should stop all outdoor water use, take 2 minute showers and limit their laundry use 1 load per person per week.

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