The Electoral System and Processes
South Wairarapa District Council resolved on the 22 July 2020 to retain the First Past the Post (FPP) system for the 2022 local authority elections.
Using this system, electors vote by indicating their preferred candidate(s) with a tick. Voters must not tick more than the number of places to be filled. The candidate that receives the most votes is declared the winner, regardless of the proportion of votes that candidate obtained.
The Opportunity to Change the Council’s Voting System
Under the Local Electoral Act 2001, there are three ways in which the Council’s voting system can be changed. The Council can resolve to change the system to be used for the next two elections (at a minimum), the Council can conduct a binding poll or electors can demand a binding poll (in which case, five per cent or more of the registered electors need to sign a petition demanding that a poll be held). Once changed, an electoral system must be used for at least the next two triennial (three yearly) Council elections.
Local Electoral Act 2001
Local Electoral Regulations 2001
Local Government Act 2002