The Innovating Streets vote-counts are in. Please note that the decision to implement this project was made early in the year after a public submission and survey period, engagement sessions in the town hall and drop-in sessions in the square itself and Community Board meetings – we thank all those who engaged in that process.
This vote was to decide on the road art for this temporary installation. This installation can be modified, removed or made permanent.
We had two methods for voting on the three road artworks; online and in person. Initially Option 1 had it in the bag from the walk in votes, but Option 2 was heavily favoured online. It ended up being a very close race, with only a couple of votes between Options 1 and 2, but in the end, there can only be one winner.
The winning design, that will be painted on the road is Option 2:

Artists image of option 2 on the northwestern side of square
Next Steps
- 5 July 2021: Road cleaning commences – this is vital to help paint adhere
- 6 July 2021: Artwork commences – This work will happen in stages and is subject to weather
- Once artwork is complete the modular structures, planter boxes and decks will be installed.
Please note we’ve started closing sections of the road and parking spots today. During this process there will be people working around the area along the Northwest side of the square. Please take your time in this area, feel free to ask questions. Your patience is appreciated.
We welcome feedback on the innovating streets project via the correct channels. On-site workers, contractors are busy and may not have full knowledge of the project so we ask that people direct any questions or critiques via the proper channels.
Once the road is painted and the decks are installed residents and visitors will be able to appreciate and/or critique the artwork and use of the new space for themselves.
Please send any feedback, compliments, concerns or complaints to: