Mixed recycling bins for community use in the main towns in South Wairarapa will soon be repurposed as general landfill bins due to high levels of contamination from ongoing misuse.
What is changing?
Public use mixed recycling bins will become general rubbish bins with the contents going to landfill.
Where will this happen?
In the towns of Featherston, Greytown and Martinborough.
What about public glass recycling bins?
These will remain and be fitted with restrictors to ensure only glass is put into the bins. If contamination persists, removal of these bins may be considered.
Key notes
Public bins are intended for litter and recycling where specified to maintain clean and litter-free community spaces. Misuse of these bins leads to increased costs for additional servicing.
We encourage people to take home items that can be recycled, rinse them and dispose of them in their recycling bins. Recycling materials can also be taken free of charge to the local transfer stations.