Clear water meters for June

Water meters in the South Wairarapa will be read throughout the month of June by volunteers of the South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC), which asks all residents to ensure their meters are visible for the readings.

The meter readings work can indicate excess water use or leaks, which can be considered for exemption with proof of repair.

The council asks all communities to ensure their water meters are visible and not covered with overgrowth, weeds or debris, which can all prevent the volunteers from locating and reading the meters.

If meters are not able to be read by the team of volunteers, the council may need to send a paid meter reader to those properties, which could incur a cost to the property owner.

The council greatly appreciates the hard work of the volunteers in winter each year and rewards their hard work with a donation which goes towards the Martinborough Rugby Club, the Featherston Rugby Club and the Greytown Lions.

Council advises communities that if they are invoiced and suspect a leak, they can contact the SWDC by email at or phone 06 306 9611 extension 874.


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