Council asks for feedback on site options for Greytown water treatment plant upgrade

9 September 2024

South Wairarapa District Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on site and funding options to upgrade Greytown’s ageing water treatment facilities to ensure a resilient supply of drinking water.

The existing bore and water treatment plant at Soldiers Memorial Park is currently the primary supply for Greytown.

South Wairarapa District Council Infrastructure Portfolio lead, Councillor Aidan Ellims says the assets are in very poor condition and need upgrading to secure an ongoing reliable supply of safe and healthy drinking water for Greytown, and to provide enough water for firefighting.

“We have worked through a process over the last year with Wellington Water identify the best approach to upgrading these critical facilities.

“As part of this, Council has worked with Wellington Water to identify possible alternative sites within Greytown for the proposed upgrades to deliver a water treatment facility that could meet Greytown’s water supply needs.”

Two alternative sites have been shortlisted within Greytown for the proposed upgrades, which include constructing a new bore or bores depending on the site. This was done through a process of reviewing, investigating and assessing all options within Greytown, including seeking local knowledge input.

These two sites were further assessed against key criteria such as proximity and access to the aquifer and services and compared to the base case of the existing treatment plant site at Soldiers Memorial Park.

“We’re now inviting the community to have their say on which of these three sites they prefer for the proposed upgrades. We also want to hear views on how we could fund the project.

While this is the Greytown Water Treatment plant, we need to hear from everyone across the whole district as funding of the different options for this project will directly impact all ratepayers, not just Greytown residents.”

Consultation runs from 9 September to 9 October 2024. As part of the consultation, Council is hosting a public event at Soldiers Memorial Park on Saturday, 28 September between 10am – 12pm.

“We encourage the community to attend this event. It will be an opportunity to find out more, ask any questions and just have a chat with our representatives from the Council and Wellington Water.”

You can find more details about the consultation proposal, supporting documents and provide

feedback at


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