29 March 2019
The SWDC Hearings Committee has concluded that its recommendation to Council is to retain the status quo on the management of the Council’s three waters, and to undertake further consideration of the options over the coming months.
This recommendation was made on Wednesday afternoon at the Wellington Water Hearing held at the Waihinga Centre in Martinborough. Council is expected to make the final decision at its ordinary meeting on Wednesday 3 April.
The proposal being considered is that SWDC becomes a shareholder of Wellington Water, which would result in the council-controlled organisation taking over management of the Council’s three waters assets.
Six submitters spoke at the Hearing. Eighteen submissions were made in total. The written submissions were mixed responses: three in favour of joining Wellington Water: eight in favour of the status quo; and five in favour of considering a Wairarapa-combined, three- waters delivery option.
Deferring the decision would allow more time to look at other possibilities, for the new permanent CEO to be involved in the process, and to provide more information to ratepayers.
More information in the agenda for the Hearing.