11 February 2014 Declaration of Election Result:
Ian Farley has been elected to the Greytown Community Board
Greytown Community Board Extraordinary Vacancy
Nominations for the extraordinary vacancy on the Greytown Community Board closed at noon on 16 December 2013. Two nominations were received for the one vacancy:
COLE Margaret
As the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies, an election will be held for the Greytown Community Board on Tuesday 11 February 2014. The postal voting electoral system will be used for these elections. Candidate names will be listed in pseudo-random order on the voting document.
Voting documents will be sent to all qualified electors between Monday 20 January and Saturday 25 January 2014. Voting will open at 9am on Monday 20 January 2014 and will close at 12 noon on Tuesday 11 February 2014.
Residents and ratepayers within the area who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this election can enrol at Post Shops, Council Offices, by calling 0800 ENROL NOW (0800 36 76 56), or by visiting the Elections website (www.elections.org.nz) up to 4pm on Monday 10 February 2014.
Special Voting facilities will be available at the South Wairarapa District Council during normal office hours. Special votes may be claimed by electors:
- whose name does not appear on the roll or has been wrongly deleted
- whose name is not entered on the roll in respect of a particular ward, community or constituency
- who spoil, lose or do not receive their ordinary voting documents
- who can satisfy the electoral officer that it will not be possible or practicable for the elector to cast an ordinary vote without incurring hardship or undue inconvenience.
Please contact the Electoral Officer if you have any queries about these elections:
Warwick Lampp
Electoral Officer – South Wairarapa District Council
PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
0508 440 009
Electoral Returns information: