Featherston Sculpture – Feedback Welcome
In September 2011 Council agreed to move ahead with a public sculpture proposed for Featherston, to be funded by the Aratoi Foundation. The sculpture designer, Konstantin Dimopolus, was chosen by the Aratoi Foundation in 2012 and a design entitled “Windgrass” has been submitted (images below). The artist’s statement is available to view, as is his resume. The Council-approved sculpture location is on the triangular reserve across from the Featherston Library, a location that is consistent with the Clifford Square Reserve Management Plan.
Public feedback on the proposal is sought until 4pm 10 August 2012.
The proposal and calls for feedback were originally advertised in the Wairarapa Times age on 24 July, in the Wairarapa News on 25 July, and information appears in the Featherston Phoenix August edition.
Information on the proposal is also available at the Featherston Library.
Download a feedback form and:
- Drop it in the box at the Featherston library
- Posit it to Featherston Sculpture Feedback, South Wairarapa District Council, PO Box 6, Martinborough 5741, or
- Email your comments to enquiries@swdc.govt.nz.
Be sure to send your feedback to us by 4pm 10 August 2012.