Free Fund Finder launches for the South Wairarapa Community

Do you need funds and help to find them?

If so, help is at hand thanks to the powerful new free Fund Finder, which launched online this month
on the South Wairarapa District Council website.

Finding funds for a project can be daunting. The strength of Fund Finder is that it puts you in touch
with funds that are most suited to your project, community group or business – large or small.

“Fund Finder hand picks grants and funding opportunities specific to local businesses and
community groups, encompassing all government and private sector grants available. It also
provides advice and top tips to find and apply for grants to maximise the chances of receiving one,”
says Siv Fjaerestad, Community Development.

“We hope that Fund Finder will be a game changer and enable people to tap into funds that are best
suited to their projects. We would like to thank members of the community who have given us their
time and feedback to test Fund Finder for us, prior to going live on our website.”

The South Wairarapa Fund Finder is a fantastic one stop shop for everyone in the community, which
is available in partnership with GrantGuru, New Zealand and Australia’s leading grant search engine.
Best of all, it is free to register on Fund Finder. The South Wairarapa District Council is an early joiner
to GrantGuru as the sixth council in New Zealand to subscribe, following Mackenzie, Manawatu,
Tasman, Tararua and Buller district councils. This is the first time that South Wairarapa District
Council has subscribed to fund finding software to help the community.

“We are excited to share more about Fund Finder at three pop up events at libraries in South
Wairarapa to help people sign up to this service. The pop ups are open to everyone to come and
learn as well as get tips about funding applications and searches.”
Start your journey to find funds online at South Wairarapa Fund Finder:

Fund Finder pop up events – join us

Featherston Library Funding Chat Pop Up
– Friday 23 August 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Martinborough Library Funding Chat Pop Up – Monday 26 August 1.30pm to 4.30pm
Greytown Library Funding Chat Pop Up – Tuesday 27 August 1.30pm to 4.30pm

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