11.30am, Friday 13 December 2019
After a planned water shutdown to install new treatment equipment for Greytown’s Memorial Park bore yesterday, Wellington Water was restoring supply when a power cut occurred.
The power cut affected the Waiohine Treatment plant, which supplies water to both Greytown and Featherston. The Waiohine reservoirs were already quite low, as they had been meeting demand during the planned water outage. Although the Memorial Park bore was operational during the power cut, it was not meeting Greytown’s demand.
Wellington Water organised water tankers to supplement the water remaining in the reservoirs. Fortunately power was restored at 9.30pm. This allowed us to begin re-filling the Waiohine-fed reservoirs for Featherston and Greytown.
Thank you to all residents who are responding to the request to cut back water use, especially outdoors, and to the Greytown Fire Service for helping spread the word.
While the reservoirs are being re-filled, the total outdoor water ban is still in effect. We will look to lift this ban when operations continue as normal. We are anticipating this will be lifted tomorrow at 9am. We will confirm this tomorrow morning.
Looking for an update? Check https://www.wellingtonwater.co.nz/swdc/news/