Martinborough moves to tighter water restrictions

12 Feburary 2021

From 11.59 pm Friday, 12 February Martinborough residents join Featherston and Greytown and are being asked not to use sprinklers, irrigation systems or unattended hoses, and to use hand-held watering devices only to water their garden. This is on top of the year-round, alternate-day watering restriction, which allows for even-numbered houses to water on even-numbered dates and odd numbered on odd dates.
The move to this next level of watering restrictions follows close monitoring of consumption over the past few weeks, as well as similar announcements by other districts in the region.

Here are some ways people can conserve water:

  • Use hand held watering methods for your garden &ndash alternate day watering still applies – even numbered properties on even numbered dates and odd numbered properties on odd numbered dates
  • Follow water saving tips like using buckets to wash the car, or a broom to sweep the path, rather than the hose.
  • Report leaks – if you notice any leaks, please call the South Wairarapa District Council on (06) 306 9611, so we can prioritise these for repair as soon as possible.

What the ban means:

  • All unattended residential watering systems are banned.
  • Alternative day watering still applies – careful watering by hand is still permitted &ndash this includes hoses
  • Councils, golf courses and bowling greens are asked to manage their watering programmes carefully.

Information and updates on current water restrictions for all three South Wairarapa towns, along with further tips on how to conserve water, is available at

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