Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars, that rises in midwinter and for many Māori, heralds the start of the new year. Matariki is a time to celebrate, review the old year, think of loved ones past and present, and set goals for the year to come.
Celebrate Matariki at one of the many community-led events planned around the district. Thank you to the event organisers for making Matariki a special time for our communities.
*If you are running a community-led event this Matariki and would like us to add it to this page, please email us at: media@swdc.govt.nz
Hau Ariki Marae Martinborough
Starting 17 June, whānau and friends are invited to Hau Ariki Marae to celebrate Matariki at a series of wānanga (gatherings) to learn through shared experiences.
Wānanga Waiata – join in weekly waiata (singing) group.
Monday June 17 & 24, 6.30-7.30pm
Wānanga Marae – be welcomed or reconnect with the marae. Learn about Hau Ariki Marae and practice.
Thursday June 20, 6.30pm-8pm
Saturday June 22, 11am-12pm
Wānanga Matariki – learn about Matariki and celebrate Matariki at a dawn viewing, then enjoy hot drinks.
Thursday June 27, 7pm-8.30pm
Friday June 28, 5.30am-7am
Wānanga Hononga – Pōhiri (welcome to marae). The finale of the Wānanga series links togther Matariki, marae practice, waiata and community.
Saturday July 13, 10am
Register for an individual wānanga or the series at hauariki@gmail.com
Click here to view the Hau Ariki Marae event calendar or visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/HauarikiMarae
Pae Tū Mōkai Featherston Matariki Festival
National Library Matariki School Event
Thursday 27 June, 9.30am-3pm
Kiwi Hall
Te Whāngai i te Hautapu
Friday 28 June, 7am
St Teresa’s School
Matariki Star Hunt
Friday 28 June, 10am
Around town
Kapa Haka Pōwhiri/Welcome
Friday 28 June, 12pm
Anzac Hall
Hāngi & Entertainment
Friday 28 June, 1pm
Anzac Hall
Kiriata-ā-Noho/Movie time
Friday 28 June, 1:30pm
Anzac Hall
Activities for Everyone
Friday 28 June, 2pm
Anzac Hall
Mini-Fell Trains**
Friday 28 June, 4pm-cold
Clifford Square
Glow in the Arts**
Friday 28 June, 6pm
Clifford Square
Ka Mahara at the Cemetery**
Sunday 30 June, 12pm
Matariki Markets
Sunday 30 June, 10am-1pm
Matariki Vinyl Club
Sunday 30 June, 3pm
For more information about these events use this link to view the Pae Tū Mōkai event calendar.
**Some events are weather dependent, updates and more information can be found by visiting the Featherston Matariki Facebook page.
Greytown Festival of Christmas
Festival of Christmas: Matariki Harakeke whetū workshop
Thursday 11 & Friday 12 July, 10:30am-12pm
Cobblestones Museum & Early Settlers Village
For more information and to register visit: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/festival-of-christmas-matariki-harakeke-whetu-workshop/greytown
Festival of Christmas: Discover the whetū of Matariki
Saturday 20 & Sunday 21 July, 6:30am
Cobblestones Museum & Early Settlers Village
For more information and to register visit: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/festival-of-christmas-discover-the-whetu-of-matariki/greytown
Festival of Christmas: Harakeke Kete Workshop
Sunday 14 & 21 July, 2:30pm
Cobblestones Museum & Early Settlers Village
For more information and to register visit: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/festival-of-christmas-harakeke-kete-workshop/greytown
Festival of Christmas: Star Safari Dark Sky Discovery
Tuesday 16, Wednesday 17 and Friday 19 July, 6pm-7.30pm
Cobblestones Museum & Early Settlers Village
For more information adn to register visit: https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2024/festival-of-christmas-star-safari-dark-sky-discovery/greytown
To find out more about these and other exciting events visit https://www.greytownvillage.com/greytown-festival-of-christmas-programme
To learn more about Matariki visit https://www.matariki.com/