Media release: Featherston and Greytown join Martinborough on tighter water restrictions

8 January 2020

Water restrictions in Featherston and Greytown are today being tightened to hand-held watering devices only. This means that, in all three South Wairarapa towns, sprinklers, irrigation systems and unattended hoses are not permitted. This is in addition to the alternative day watering restriction that applies all year round, which allows for even-numbered houses to water on even-numbered dates and odd numbered on odd dates.

The hand-held only watering restriction was declared in Martinborough on 30 November to manage water demand while the town continues to be supplied by only one bore.

South Wairarapa Mayor Alex Beijen is delighted with Martinborough’s efforts in conserving water.

“Martinborough residents have set a high bar with their water conservation efforts – they have been able to make a real difference. I have no doubt that the people of Featherston and Greytown can follow their example.

“We have been fortunate with rainfall to date, but the current water consumption levels in Featherston and Greytown are not sustainable over the rest of the summer period.

“Thank you to everyone for conserving water so far. We all need to play our part in ensuring there is enough clean, clear and safe drinking water for our whole community, and visitors, throughout summer,” says Mr Bejien.

Information on current water restrictions and consumption levels for all three South Wairarapa towns, along with further tips on how to conserve water, is available at 

Two-hundred litre water tanks, with installation kit, are available for $105 from Council offices to enable roof-top water collection and storage for garden and emergency use. More information available at


Media Contact

Amy Wharram
027 252 2863

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