31 March 2021
South Wairarapa District Council is seeking community feedback on its proposed Spatial and Long Term Plans. The two consultation documents are available online, in council offices and town libraries from today, and available in the 7 April Wairarapa Midweek newspaper.
South Wairarapa Mayor Alex Beijen urges everyone to make a submission on both of these important consultations.
“When it comes to the future of South Wairarapa, we want to hear from you. The decisions we make – including on roads, libraries, community events and the water you drink will directly impact you and your whānau.”
The Long Term Plan (LTP) outlines the strategic direction of SWDC including activities and budgets for the next 10 years addressing serious infrastructure and capability challenges, along with proposed actions to address them and improve community wellbeing.
Community feedback is specifically requested on six key areas. These are around:
- Investing in water and wastewater renewals
- Removing funding for road seal extensions
- New footpaths kerbs and channels in towns
- No longer mowing berms in towns
- The development of a new Greytown play space
- Closing down the Greytown recycling centre.
If the proposed Long Term Plan goes ahead, indicative rates increases for next year would be 15.3% ($9.35/week) for urban residential ratepayers, 14.0% ($4.53/week) for lifestyle and 7.1% ($8.41/week) for rural.
The Spatial Plan is about people and place. It helps shape how communities develop and where this happens. Over the next 30 years South Wairarapa’s population is projected to grow by more than 20% and ‘Growth and Housing’ was highlighted as a primary concern of South Wairarapa residents. Identifying residential growth options is, therefore, the first step in forming the Spatial Plan.
We have considered growth needs for Featherston, Greytown and Martinborough individually and have provided options for where and how to accommodate growth in each town. We want to hear what people think about these options, even if they have given feedback in previous rounds of spatial planning engagement.
The consultation period for both plans will run concurrently from 31 March 2021 until 30 April 2021.
Public meetings to find out more:
- Monday 12 April, 7pm – LTP Public Meeting, ANZAC Hall, Featherston
- Wednesday 14 April, 7pm – LTP Public Meeting, WBS Room, Greytown
- Thursday 15 April, 7pm – LTP Public Meeting, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough
- Monday 19 April, 7pm – Spatial Planning Public Meeting, Kiwi Hall, Featherston
- Tuesday 20 April, 7pm – Spatial Planning Public Meeting, Supper Room, Waihinga Centre, Martinborough
- Wednesday 21 April, 7pm – Spatial Planning Public Meeting, WBS Room, Greytown
Visit www.swdc.govt.nz/consultations for more information.
Media contact
Jorja Bramley
027 248 8402