MEDIA RELEASE: Love it or Lose it – Martinborough must use less water


South Wairarapa Mayor Alex Beijen is urging the community to immediately use less water outside and to conserve water generally as the summer heat kicks in.

“We simply don’t have enough water supply for people not to follow the outdoor summer restrictions of hand-held watering only without compromising the colour of the water”.

Current restrictions allow for hand held watering outdoors on alternate days. This means no use of sprinklers, irrigation systems or unattended hoses.

“It’s essential that the community immediately responds to this pressing need to conserve water, as we head into the hot and dry months. Martinborough’s water supply is from a single bore, since chlorination was introduced. This is because the other three bores are higher in naturally occurring manganese and can’t be used. “If the township uses more water than we can supply from the low-manganese bore, we will have to use the other bores as well”, said Alex. That could mean the town’s drinking water becoming discoloured.

“Although safe to drink, the water could lose its clarity due to the reaction between manganese and chlorine – we want to avoid discoloured water if we can.

Information on how to conserve water will be shared throughout the community – you can find out more at

“I’m sure that together we can save water and still enjoy the great South Wairarapa weather,” Mr Beijen said.

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