MEDIA RELEASE: Unanimous Council approval for South Wairarapa’s Long Term Plan

12 July 2021

On 30 June 2021 the South Wairarapa District Councillors unanimously approved the district’s Long Term Plan for 2021—2031. Months of effort on the part of the Mayor, Councillors and Council officers led to a brilliant consultation response from the community, which has helped hone the Council’s priorities.
Mayor Alex Beijen is delighted. ‘With around 1,000 written and oral submissions for both the Long Term Plan and Spatial Plan, our robust process has delivered a well-considered and balanced 10-year plan and budget and community guidance on meeting our residential growth needs. We can now focus on the delivery of the emerging priorities and shape up our Spatial Plan.
South Wairarapa community has many challenges and they cannot be addressed in a hurry as many of these involve addressing systemic and historical infrastructure issues. The LTP sets out where our efforts will lie. I’d like to thank my Councillors and all of you who responded to the process. That is what democracy is about.’
The proposed investments as outlined in the consultation document were approved by Councillors, with some minor changes:

  • Big decision #1: Three waters – Council agreed with option 1, the lower more affordable package for water and wastewater renewals, with an operational budget of $3.1m and capital budget of $6.2m for year 1.
  • Big decision #2: Rural roads – It was decided to remove funding for rural road seal extensions in this LTP but to review this decision for future plans. This decision does not stop any road safety related seal extensions that are required in the region.
  • Big decision #3: Footpaths – Funding of $400,000 per annum for new town footpaths, kerbs and channels. Half of this is to be funded through Council Reserves.
  • Big decision #4: Berm mowing – It was agreed that urban berm mowing be stopped. Mowing costs would have been $110,000 per annum from this year.
  • Big decision #5: Development of a new Greytown play space – The development of a new play space on the corner of Cotter and Pierce streets was approved. The $1m cost will be phased over three years, and funded from Council Reserves.
  • Big decision #6: Greytown recycling centre – It was agreed to keep the recycling centre open but investigate within the next triennium other options for the relocation of a recycling station and separate green waste facility.

Chief Executive Harry Wilson is very proud of the work done by his staff ‘many, many hours of hard work have led us to this stage. The next steps are to turn this strategic plan in to an operational plan and continue the great work we do.’
The Council is acutely aware of the pressures to deliver in all areas at the same time as needing to keep rates affordable. It will mean a 14.28% rate increase for urban ratepayers based on a $350,000 land value.

The Long Term Plan is now on the Council’s website.


Media contact: Sheil Priest, Communications & Engagement Manager
South Wairarapa District Council
Mob: 027 252 2863

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