News: Covid cases rise

14 February 2022

There are now 14 active cases of Covid-19 in the Wairarapa. If you have been tested for Covid-19:

• please go straight home. You will be notified when the result is available, usually between 2–5 days

• if you are a contact of a current case, check the Ministry of Health’s website for more information:…/contact-tracing-covid-19

If you develop symptoms, stay at home. In some cases, you may be advised to self-isolate from other members of your household. The isolation period for Covid-19 cases in the community is at least 14 days, including 72 hours symptom-free.

Your household members will need to remain in isolation for at least 10 days after you have been released as a case. This means they will need to be in isolation for longer than you. The isolation period will shorten to 10 days for a case and 7 days for a close contact when New Zealand moves to Phase 2 at midnight tomorrow.

Testing is being done at these locations;…/cov…/covid-19-testing/

Remember,  most people with Covid-19 will have cold or flu-like symptoms for up to two weeks and recover from home. The advice is, get plenty of rest, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve headaches, aches and fevers, stay hydrated and take honey or lozenges for a sore throat.

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