News: Greytown Open Space and Wheels Park Project engagement

21 April 2022

South Wairarapa District Council is looking for public feedback on the proposed design of Greytown Open Space and Wheels Park.

With the town’s continued growth and an inability to extend the existing park on Kuratawhiti Street, a local group was keen to see a new integrated open space facility at 2-4 Pierce Street.

Approved as part of the 2021-31 Long Term Plan, the project is part-funded by Council to the value of $1 million, with the balance to be raised by the community. It is expected to cost around $3m to construct.

We know that Greytown needs more open, green spaces. Informal engagement by the group previously indicates there is plenty of support for this park in Greytown. Now we want to ask all South Wairarapa ratepayers whether the design meets community needs.

We need your help! On our website, a special Greytown Open Space and Wheels Park page has been created where you can find the concept design document by expert skateboard park designers Rich Landscapes.

Features include:

  • A Skatepark and Wheeled Play Area incorporating some ‘learn to ride’ elements.
  • Integrated skate elements throughout park, such as skateable terraces
  • Pump Track environment
  • Playground
  • Basketball Half Court
  • Carpark integrated into Cotter Street with street calming features, and designed to navigate cars away from continuing down Cotter Street
  • Improved pedestrian entry and connection between the new Greytown Park and the Woodside Trail Entry
  • Circulation from Pierce Street through to the Woodside Rail Trail entry
  • Central Hub tying environments and circulation together
  • Public toilet facilities
  • Shelters and shade sails
  • Seating, bike racks, rubbish bins and other site furnishings
  • Accessible water fountains and BBQs
  • Water and power connection with service for temporary, small service space.
  • Designated space for temporary small service/ café shop
  • Landscaped gardens and green space. Could include community planting initiatives, fruiting specimens, etc. Shade trees
  • Lighting and CCTV Cameras (refer to lighting specifications on our International Dark Sky Reserve page)

The current design has been refined from earlier feedback from Greytown residents.

Public engagement is open until 5pm on Monday 2 May 2022.

How do I give feedback?

After viewing the design, fill in the survey on the website , which will ask you questions such as your likely use of such a park and what features you prefer.

Alternatively, pick up a printed form from the Greytown, Featherston or Martinborough libraries, or the Council’s office in Martinborough at 19 Kitchener Street and return it there.

Following this latest feedback process, the design will enter the final design phase and head into the tendering and construction stages.

Enquiries to

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