The Masterton and South Wairarapa District Councils (MDC and SWDC) have prepared Draft Bylaws that are now available for comment. The two councils have teamed up to create a suite of bylaws aiming for consistency between districts. The review has identified those bylaws that are redundant, bylaws that will be retained and bylaws that need to be updated or redrafted for continued use. Almost all the existing bylaws will be repealed and replaced by the MDC/SWDC Consolidated Bylaws 2012.
Please go to the Masterton District Council website to read the bylaws and to find out how to make a submission. Paper copies of the Draft Bylaws are available to view in the Featherston, Martinborough, Greytown and Masterton libraries as well.
Submissions closed on 18 January 2013.
Posted 03 December 2012