Public Notification is required for proposed development within the Clifford Square Reserve, Featherston that is not provided for in the Clifford Square Master Plan (2002). Therefore under section 93(2) of the Resource Management Act 1991, submissions are welcome on the following application:
NAME OF APPLICANT: Cross Creek Railway Society Inc.
ADDRESS FOR SERVICE: c/- Cunning Plans Limited
60 Jellicoe Street, Greytown 5712
Attn: Clint Taylor
ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: Clifford Square, Featherston (corner Birdwood and Fox Streets)
PROPOSAL: For additional track to the mini railway for a switch junction, and for alterations to the existing mini rail station house.
The application includes a full description of the proposal and an assessment of environmental effects. The application and submission form are available at the Council office, the Featherston Library, and here:
Cross Creek Application Part 1 (pdf 1.6MB) – Part 2 (pdf 2.7MB)
Submission form
Any person may make a submission on the application. You may use the submission form provided or send us a letter or email no later than 4.00pm on Wednesday 28 August 2013. The submission must be dated and include the following information:
1. Your name and postal address. Telephone and/or email are also recommended.
2. Whether you support, oppose or are neutral toward the application.
3. Your submission statement with reasons.
4. Whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission.
5. The decision you wish the Council to make.
You must send a copy of your submission as soon as possible to the applicant at the address for service shown above.
Posted 25 July 2013