NZ Army Reserve Training in Featherston 12-14 July 2024

NZ Army Reserve will be conducting a training exercise on the outskirts of the Featherston Township over the weekend of 12-14 July 2024. This exercise will be focused on training New Zealand Reserve Soldiers in stability and security operations around a live population. Groups of soldiers will be given various tasks and missions to conduct in the area. The tasks will present challenging scenarios for the soldiers to navigate while also having to take bystanders into consideration.

If you come across any of the soldiers on their tasks, we ask that you go about your day as you usually would. You are welcome to speak with the soldiers but please do not be offended if they must end the conversation and carry on with their duties at the time.

If you would like to be involved as a scenario role player or have a building/property that you would be happy for the soldiers to use for an aspect of the training, please contact Chris Hey on 0211912664 for further details or to answer any questions or alleviate concerns.

All activities will be done during daylight hours during the weekend of 12-14 July.

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