Proposed changes to the District Plan – further submissions welcome
Masterton District Council, Carterton District Council and South Wairarapa District Council welcome further submissions on Proposed Plan Changes 6 (Residential Accessory Building Rule Clarification) and 7 (Second Dwelling – Rural Primary Production). Under section 8(1) of the RMA, any person may make a further submission, but only in support or opposition to the decisions requested in any submission that has been received.
Information about the plan changes and the further submission process can be found here:
Plan Change 6 further submission information
Plan Change 7 further submission information
Both plan change documents with the initial submissions and a summary of submissions can be found here:
Plan Change 6 & 7 further submission documents
Please note that submissions must follow Form 6 of the RMA and should be sent to or posted to the Manager, Planning & Environment, Masterton District Council, PO Box 444, Masterton 5840.
Further submissions close at 4.00pm on Friday 12 April 2013.
Posted 26 March 2013