Post-incident update following the removal of Martinborough’s boil water notice

11 March 2019

In the past two weeks since the boil water notice was lifted for Martinborough, Council officials have been progressing the post-incident phase.

  • An independent post-incident review has been commissioned.
  • An article explaining how the Martinborough water supply works has been published in the March issue of the Martinborough Star and a fuller version, with diagrams, is available on our website.
  • Council officials have been working with the Martinborough Business Association. As requested, a meeting has been organised with Martinborough businesses for Council to listen to and understand their specific challenges during the incident and how we can work together to be more prepared for any similar event in the future.
  • As agreed at the Council meeting on 20 February, there will be a meeting to debrief the community on the incident and gain their feedback. A date for this meeting will be in the first half of April, as it is dependent on the completion of the draft post-incident review, which we will share before the meeting. Once this date is confirmed, the meeting will be notified more widely.

Thank you to those people who have taken the time to provide their feedback to the email address. We encourage any further feedback to this email address.

Further information is available at

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