Proposed Plan Change 9 – Greytown Structure Plan (archived)

Proposed Plan Change No 9  

Greytown Development Area Structure Plan

The Greytown Future Development Area (FDA) was included in the Wairarapa Combined District Plan around 10 years ago. The FDA, more or less encompasses the land area within Mole, Wood, West and Kuratawhiti Streets.

Since that time development of land within the FDA has not been readily achievable as no structure plan existed to guide the provision of infrastructure (roads, sewer, and water supply) and reserves.

Because of strong demand over the last 3 years for more residential land in Greytown, the development of a structure plan was commenced by Council. 

This process has involved extensive community consultation, technical investigations and technical design work, along with the development of appropriate regulatory mechanisms to manage development and recover the costs of infrastructure and reserves.

This work is now completed to the point where Council must now obtain the appropriate and necessary regulatory approvals. Proposed Change No 9 is the legal mechanism by which this is done.

It involves the uplifting of the FDA status [the area will be known instead as the Greytown Development Area (GDA)], the adoption of a structure plan, the configuring of financial/development contributions for the area and making other necessary changes to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan, including a road designation and rezoning of land (from residential to rural), and enabling the subdivision and development of the FDA block.

It should be noted that any specific subdivision remains subject to the existing residential zone rules and standards of the District Plan. This means that any subdivision must be individually assessed and consented by way of a resource consent. At that time the detailed aspects of design and infrastructure, beyond those aspects set out in the structure plan will be considered.

Proposed Plan Change 9 – Greytown Structure Plan

Electronic submissions can be made by emailing Pam Attrill and attaching your submission and any supporting information.

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