On 4 April 2012 the South Wairarapa District Council reviewed its representation arrangements, pursuant to Section 19H of the Local Electoral Act 2001, and resolved that the following proposal apply for the Council and its Community Boards for the election to be held on 12 October 2013:
Council Representation
It is proposed that the Council will comprise 9 members elected from three wards (see attached map), and the Mayor.
The three wards reflect the following identified communities of interest:
Featherston Ward | The summit of the Rimutaka and Tararua Ranges on the northwest, the Tauherenikau River and State Highway 53 on the northeast, Ruamahanga River and the east side of Lake Onoke on the southeast and the coastline of Palliser Bay on the south. |
Greytown Ward | The summit of the Tararua Ranges on the northwest, the Hector and Waiohine Rivers on the northeast, the Ruamahanga River on the east and Tauherenikau River and State Highway 53 on the southwest. |
Martinborough Ward | The Ruamahanga River on the northwest the Pohatuniki Stream the Whangaehu River the Wainuioru River and the Waihingaia Stream on the northeast, the coastline round to Lake Onoke on the southeast and southwest. |
The population that each member will represent is as follows:
Ward | Estimated Resident Population as at 30/06/11 | Members | Population Per member |
Featherston Ward |
Greytown Ward |
Martinborough Ward |
Totals |
In accordance with section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 the population that each member represents must be within the range of 1048 +10% (943 to 1,153) unless particular community of interest considerations justify otherwise. The proposed ward representation structure meets that population test.
Community Board Representation
It is proposed that three community boards will be elected. The three community boards will be:
Community Boards | Area of Community |
Featherston | Same geographic boundaries as the proposed Featherston Ward. |
Greytown | Same geographic boundaries as the proposed Greytown Ward. |
Martinborough | Same geographic boundaries as the proposed Martinborough Ward. |
Featherston, Greytown and Martinborough Community Boards will each elect four members. They will not be subdivided for electoral purposes. They will each have two appointed members:
Featherston Community Board | 2 members appointed being the Councillors elected from the Featherston Ward. |
Greytown Community Board | 2 members appointed being the Councillor elected from the Greytown Ward. |
Martinborough Community Board | 2 members appointed being the Councillors elected from the Martinborough Ward. |
Further Information
Copies of the Council’s resolution and maps setting out the areas of the proposed wards and communities and any relevant information may be viewed and obtained from the Council’s offices: 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough, Featherston and Greytown libraries or visit swdc.testserver.co.nz.
Any queries regarding the Council’s decision should be directed to Dr Jack Dowds, Chief Executive Officer, phone (06) 306 9611 or e-mail ceo@swdc.govt.nz.
Submissions are invited
Persons with an interest in the proposed representation arrangements are invited to make written submissions on the Council’s representation proposal.
Submissions are to be forwarded to: Dr Jack Dowds, Chief Executive Officer, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough, or faxed to (06) 306 9373 or e-mailed to ceo@swdc.govt.nz.
Submissions must be received by Council no later than 4pm Friday 18 May 2012.
posted 16 April 2012