South Wairarapa District Council celebrates Māori Language Week 

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, 14 to 21 Hepetema (September) 2024  

Māori Language Week is fast approaching and South Wairarapa District Council is actively involved with Māori language resources and book displays at all of its libraries ( as well as supporting activities in the community, including an open day at Pae tū Mōkai o Tauira nursery with plant sales, coffee and cake on Sunday 15 September from 10am to 12 noon. Everyone is welcome to attend. Details at

“We encourage all members of our community to take the opportunity to speak te reo Māori. Resources are available online at where you can find books, games, clothing, posters, phrase cards and much more,” says Narida Hooper, Pou Māori Advisor for the council.  

Māori Language Week begins on 14 September every year. It marks the day that a petition was signed by approximately 30,000 people in Aotearoa and presented to Parliament in 1972. This was officially recognised as Māori Language Day in 1975 and then grew into Māori Language Week.

“We support learning and speaking te reo Māori during Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week and all year. Our libraries reflect this with dedicated Māori collections in every branch as well as the integration of Māori culture. We will have displays and helpful resources available for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori,” says Louise Dowdell, Wairarapa Library Service Manager.

The council’s Pou Māori Advisor, Narida Hooper, is also creating meaningful opportunities to speak te reo Māori through the week within the council.

We practice karakia on Monday mornings every week at the council office in Martinborough, which all staff are invited to attend. This year we will offer an opportunity to give expression to manaakitanga (hospitality and generosity) by sharing kai and encouraging staff to speak te reo Māori – to give it a go – kara whiu!”

The theme of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori this year is Ake ake ake – a forever language.

Māori Language Week

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori has been an annual event in Aotearoa since 1975.

Māori Language Week runs from Saturday 14 September to Saturday 21 September.

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