South Wairarapa District Council launches future of sports survey

South Wairarapa District Council has launched a sports survey this week to shine a light on what residents want the future of sports and recreation to look like.
The Future of Sports and Recreation Survey was launched at the Greytown Town Hall on Wednesday morning to all residents in South Wairarapa. Its purpose is to enable the council to understand the needs, challenges and opportunities for sports in the district and how the to provide support now and into the future.
Those who attended the survey’s launch breakfast included half a dozen young athletes from the district, including a handful from Kuranui College. It was also attended by sports club members from across the district, Mayor Martin Connelly and two professional Olympians, Dane Lett and Shakira Baker, who both spoke at the event.
Lett is Carterton born and bred while Baker is from Papawai. Lett won a silver medal at the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games and was selected for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which were postponed for a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. He also attended the Paris Olympic Games earlier this year. Shakira Baker is a New Zealand rugby union player and has
represented the country in the Black Ferns.
“We’re thrilled to launch the South Wairarapa District Council’s Sports and Recreation Survey and your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of sports and recreation in our district,” says Mayor Martin Connelly. “Let’s work together to support and develop our sports clubs and recreational groups.”

The survey is open until Tuesday 14 January here:

Pictured below left to right: Athletes Shakira Baker, Dane Lett and South
Wairarapa Mayor Martin Connelly speaking at the survey launch.

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