South Wairarapa District Council rating valuations delayed until January 2021

South Wairarapa District Council’s valuation service provider, Quotable Value (QV), has advised of rating value delays due to a change in the auditing process.

QV area manager Paul McCorry said rating values were subject to a rigorous independent audit by the Office of the Valuer General before they can be released. “Due to a recent change in auditing procedure, this part of the process has been taking longer than it has previously,” he said.

“We want to assure you that, while this may delay the approval and release of the new values by several weeks, this remains an integral part of the process. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work. That’s why we go to great lengths to ensure that all the information we provide is accurate.”

The new rating valuations for the district are expected to be available in mid-January 2021. It is important to note these are rating valuations and not market valuations so will not take effect until 1 July 2021 for the 2021/22 rating year.

For more information, please contact Quotable Value on – email or phone 0800 787 284.

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