Successful Battery and Soft Plastic Recycling trial prompts expansion

In a resounding victory for community sustainability, a year-long trial focusing on the recycling of batteries and soft plastic has concluded on a triumphant note. The project is set to evolve and expand, ensuring that these environmentally- friendly practices become a permanent fixture in the community’s waste management efforts.

The results are in, and the success of the initiative has exceeded expectations. South Wairarapa residents enthusiastically embraced the initiative, diligently separating these items from their general waste, and ultimately reducing the amount of waste destined for landfills.

  • Battery collection: A total of 85 kilograms of batteries were gathered during the trial. This impressive achievement demonstrates the community’s commitment to responsible battery disposal.
  • Soft plastic recycling: A staggering 416 bins, equivalent to approximately 2,496 kilograms of soft plastic were collected. This achievement is amazing considering the lightweight nature of soft plastic. The amassed soft plastic has been transformed into 416 fence posts.

As a result of the trials overwhelming success, collection points for both batteries and soft plastic will remain available at the community’s transfer stations. Furthermore, in response to the growing demand, an additional battery collection point will be established at Ngawi.

The results of the trial represent a significant step forward in the community’s commitment to environmental stewardship instilled a renewed sense of determination among community members to continue their journey towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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