Formal consultation on the 2014/2015 Draft Annual Plan will take place over the period Wednesday 16 April 2014 to Monday 19 May 2014.
Council will be hosting informal public workshops at the following locations to present and discuss the Draft Annual Plan with interested members of the public:
Featherston: Kiwi Hall, 7pm, 6 May 2014
Greytown: Greytown Town Centre, 7pm, 7 May 2014
Martinborough: Council Chambers, 7pm, 8 May 2014
You are most welcome to attend and discuss the background and content of this Draft Annual Plan with Her Worship the Mayor, councillors and community board members.
Copies of the 2014/2015 Draft Annual Plan, the associated Summary of Information, and spare submission forms may be viewed at or obtained from the following locations from the 16 April 2014:
- South Wairarapa District Council Office, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
- Martinborough Public Library, 6 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
- Featherston Library, 70 Fitzherbert Street, Featherston
- Greytown Library, 89 Main Street, Greytown
The Summary of Information will be published in the Wairarapa Midweek as a centre lift out on the 22 April 2014.
Tell Us What You Think
This Annual Plan (AP) outlines Council’s intentions for the 2014/2015 period. It sets out what Council intends to achieve in the coming year for each significant activity, the variations between the corresponding year of Councils 2012/22 LTP and what is now proposed, what the planned activities will cost and how they will be funded. We would welcome your feedback on the proposals contained in this Draft Plan as part of our consultation process before the Plan is finalised.
Written submissions on this 2014/2015 Draft Annual Plan close with Council at 5:00pm on Monday 19 May 2014. Submissions may be submitted in writing in the following manner – post, hand delivery, facsimile or email. Details for each of these methods are as follows:
Online: AP Submission
Post: AP Submissions, South Wairarapa District Council, P O Box 6, Martinborough 5741
Deliver: South Wairarapa District Council, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
Fax: 06 306 9373
Submissions on the 2014/2015 Draft Annual Plan will be heard and deliberated on by Council at meetings to be held on Monday 9 June and Tuesday 10 June 2014. The actual number and duration of these meetings will depend on the number of submissions received, with the Tuesday 10 June 2014 meeting set down as a reserve day. Adoption of Council’s final Annual Plan 2014/2015 is set down for Wednesday 25 June 2014.
All of the hearings and deliberations meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough, commencing at 9.30am, and will be open to the public.
The Local Government Act 2002 requires every district council to produce, once every three years, a Long Term Council (LTP) which sets out what Council will do for at least the next ten years. An annual plan is required for years that an LTP is not produced.
Posted: 14 March 2014