The grants are designed to assist people obtain practical training for entry into the agricultural industry (e.g. through a cadet scheme, or certificate; diploma level of study) or alternatively, for those commencing their first farm employment and requiring dogs, or specialist equipment such as a saddle.
Criteria for the grants:
· Must be a resident within the Wairarapa region or strong links with the Wairarapa
· A focus on pastoral farming with applicants having a clearly considered and planned career path
· A strong desire to extend knowledge and interest in agriculture
Applications close: Friday 1 November 2013 at 4.00 pm.
Application forms are available from the Peter Laing Memorial Trust, c/- Masterton District Council, Level 2 Reception, 64 Chapel Street, Masterton, telephone (06) 370 6300, or from the Masterton Library. You can also visit the MDC website:
Posted 17 October 2013