Featherston street light outage

Council is very concerned at the number of street light outages in Featherston and has been working with Powerco to try and understand what is happening. Powerco has provided an explanation below. In the meantime, should there be further outages please report the faults as per usual through Council, or if urgent, call Powerco on 0800 769 372.

Message from Powerco:

Powerco is aware that streetlights have been out intermittently in parts of Featherston over the past few weeks.

The outages are happening due to a circuit breaker regularly tripping and causing the lights to go out.

Crews have been attending to manually reset the breaker each time Powerco is alerted of an issue.

Crews are now working to add additional fuses throughout the circuit. This will reduce the number of streetlights affected when the fault occurs. It will also help crews to pinpoint the exact location of the fault.

Crews will then be able to find the underlying cause of the tripping and make the necessary repairs.

Powerco acknowledges that having streetlights out is frustrating and thanks residents for their patience.

Powerco also encourages customers to continue reporting streetlight issues as they arise so they can be attended.

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