Greytown Wastewater Treatment Plant – leakage

Wellington Water (WWL) are encouraging Greytown residents and visitors to please follow signage and not fish, swim, drink or collect food along the Papawai Stream, near the Greytown Wastewater Treatment Plant.

They’re currently investigating leakage at the Plant that appears to have led to some partially treated wastewater (sewage) entering into Papawai Stream. Work is underway to isolate and fix any issue.

The water has gone through the oxidation pond treatment process, but some of the water may not have gone through the final stage UV treatment. This means there is a likely a slightly increased level of risk along the stream.

WWL monitor the Papawai Stream on a permanent basis, taking samples at various locations along the stream.

Thank you for your understanding as investigation is underway to understand the events. We’ll provide an update once this investigation is completed.

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