12:30pm 18 August 2021
As you may be aware, the Emergency Management Office (EMO) has been stood up and will be working alongside WREMO as the situation unfolds.
Once we have clarity on the timing and extent of the lockdown, we can then coordinate our overall response with respect to those who are vulnerable in our community.
Following the last lockdown, we have some good learnings on how, where and who will implement this.
Inclusion of Community Boards is also crucial to this combined response.
It is too early to predict what action is needed and may cause unnecessary stress if we react before we know the extent of the impact.
So, to all members of our community, the WREMO response is to observe Level 4 restrictions.
- The main thing being asked of people to do is stay at home in your immediate household bubble. Isolation and physical distancing from other people are key to our response at this level.
- People must stay within their immediate household bubble. Once you go into a bubble you must stay in it and others cannot join.
- People should keep 2 metres apart at all times while in public. This includes when undertaking physical exercise in your neighbourhood, visiting the supermarket or pharmacy, urgent medical care or getting a COVID-19 test.
- If you undertake activities outside, please wear a mask when you leave the house.
- Anyone who feels unwell must immediately self-isolate from others in their bubble and get a test.
There will be a meeting tomorrow (19 August) with CEOs, EMO and WREMO to plan how we support communities. We will provide an update on the outcome of this meeting.
Please keep an eye on our website for updates.
Kia kaha
Mayor Alex