Septic waste disposal at Featherston WWTP

South Wairarapa District Council has temporarily paused septic tank waste disposal at the Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant dumping site following a recommendation from Wellington Water. We expect the pause to last until the end of August.

Pausing discharge of septic tank waste will allow the wastewater treatment plant to recover and permit it to treat wastewater from Featherston to a high standard, meeting our resource consent conditions.

Septic waste disposal contractors who service South Wairarapa have been notified of this, and are aware of alternative disposal sites they can utilise. South Wairarapa residents who rely on the services of septic waste disposal contractors are advised to discuss this with them if required.

Wellington Water will closely monitor the situation and advise when it is appropriate to accept septic tank waste at Featherston.

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