Surplus to Council’s fleet needs, the following vehicles are for sale by tender:
Year | Model | Model | Fuel Type | Registration | Rego Expires | WOF Expires | Odometer |
2004 | Mitsubishi | L200 Utility (White) | Petrol | CKL623 | 12/11/2023 | 21/03/2024 | 231693 |
2006 | Suzuki | Grand Vitara (Grey) | Petrol | DEP405 | 19/11/2023 | 17/03/2024 | 174367 |
2012 | Suzuki | Grand Vitara (Black) | Petrol | GMU69 | 23/11/2023 | 31/03/2024 | 92529 |

A copy of the conditions of tender and Form of Tender may be downloaded below or obtained from the Councils office (19 Kitchener street, Martinborough) during normal business hours.
The above vehicles have a current warrant of fitness and registrations. Vehicles can be viewed on Wednesday, 29 March & 5 April 2023, by appointment only by phoning Trish Drury on 027 706 4432 or email
All vehicles are tendered in an “as seen condition”. No warranty is implied or expressed by the seller.
The highest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
The tenders close at 4.00pm on Friday, 7 April 2023.
Enquiries about the vehicles and the tender process should be directed to Trish Drury, Property Advisor phone 027 706 4432, email
Harry Wilson
Chief Executive Officer
South Wairarapa District Council