WREMO UPDATE: High tide could bring more wave damage to exposed coasts

0900 30 June 2021


High tide is 9.22am and we are still expecting large energetic waves (similar to  last night, possibly a bit worse). Waves of up to 6.5 metres are still expected until  after 9.30am.  

It is the wind energy that is causing the large swells, not just the high tide, so there will still be large waves after 9.22am. We can have periods of big waves after a period of a lull.  Later in the morning we’re expecting it to ease.

Wairarapa wave height is likely to be 1m higher than the Wellington waves.

Roading crews and contractors will soon start clearing debris and assessing the level of damage sustained overnight. At this stage our advice remains the same as last night: people should stay out of the water, stay off or away from beaches and away from the coast so they do not put themselves or rescuers at risk.

The areas this advice relates to includes Wellington’s South Coast, the Wairarapa Coast and in Wellington Harbour around Petone and Eastbourne.

We will update residents as soon as possible once assessments have been carried out in all affected areas, and we have received an updated forecast from MetService.

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