Rates Estimator 2025/26

These rates are:

  • an estimate based on the budgets modelled in the Long Term Plan Consultation Document for 2025/26.
  • only for South Wairarapa District Council's rates. For regional rates please see www.gw.govt.nz
  • inclusive of GST.

As we have proposed a new rating model in 2024/25 you will need to estimate your rates by answering the following questions about your property.

New valuation information

You can look up your property details by using the rates search page, or look at your latest rates notice. If you are making a change to your property between now and the 30th of June 2025, e.g. subdividing, adding/changing a building, etc. you will need to take that into consideration.

FIRST Enter information from your new rating valuation here:
Land Value:
Capital Value:
SECOND Enter the number of Separately Used or Inhabitable Parts (SUIPs) on the property here:
Number of SUIPs:
The rating model charges each separately used or inhabitable part (SUIP) of each property one of each relevant fixed rate. The consultation document has the proposed definition of a SUIP in question 3. For most properties this will be one charge, but if there are additional dwellings or businesses on the property then count each one as a SUIP.
THIRD Answer the seven questions to estimate your targeted rates:
Question 1: Is the property within 10km of the three town centres in the district?
If you're unsure, you can look up your property on the map on our website here
Question 2: Is the property within the Urban boundaries of the district?
If you're unsure, you can look up your property on the map on our website here
Question 4: Is the property serviced by the refuse & recycling collection service?
The rate will apply to properties where the Council provides, or is able to provide, refuse and recycling collection service.
If yes, how many wheelie bin(s) do you have?

Question 5: Is the property serviced/serviceable by the water supply network?
The rate will apply to properties connected to, or able to be connected to, the district water supply.
Question 6: Is the property serviced/serviceable by the wastewater network?
The rate will apply to properties connected to, or able to be connected to, the district wastewater network.
If yes, and your property is not residential, how many toilets & urinals do you have?

Question 7: Is your property part of the Longwood or Moroa water race networks?
You can tell this by looking at your most recent rates notice. If it says either Longwood or Moroa on it then choose the race. If it doesn't then choose No.
FOUTH Choose the options from the LTP 2025/34 Consultation:
For more information on these question please read the Long Term Plan for 2025/34 Consultation Document
Question 1: Should we adjust the level of uniform charges?
Question 2: Should people who live closer to our towns contribute a higher share of funding the services and facilities in the towns?
Question 4: Should we change the Refuse & Recycling Charge back to per rating unit instead of per Separately Used Inhabitable Part of a property?
Question 5: How much should we spend on operating and maintaining our water network?
General Rates Estimate
Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC) $0 $0
General Rate (based on your new property value) $0 $0
Your General Rates are estimated to be $0 $0
Targeted Rates Estimate
District Services Rate (based on your Capital Value) $0 $0
Footpath Rate (based on your Capital Value) $0 $0
Stormwater Rate (based on your Capital Value) $0 $0
Roading Uniform Annual Charge (multiplied by SUIPs) $0 $0
Roading Rate (based on your Capital Value) $0 $0
Infrastructure Resilience Rate (based on your Capital Value) $0 $0
Refuse & Recycling Charge $0 $0
Water Supply Charge (multiplied by SUIPs) $0 $0
Wastewater Charge (multiplied by SUIPs) $0 $0
Water Races (based on your Land Value) $0 $0
Your Targeted Rates are estimated to be $0 $0
Your total SWDC rates are estimated to be $0 $0
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