4.39pm 13 February
SWDC and Regional Public Health met in Wellington this morning to agree the final hurdles to getting the boil water notice lifted. Both parties agreed that a malfunction of the UV disinfection system was the most likely cause of contamination; however, work continues to rule out all other possible sources.
The UV system is continuing to be assessed to ensure that it is working effectively. In parallel, the town water supply network is being prepared for flushing with UV treated water.
The exact timing of the water flushing will be communicated in the next update, as soon as we know when the water network and contractors are ready. Current expectations are that the flushing will start later this week. Communications to residents will also include details of what to expect and the need to run taps until the water runs clear.
Water samples will then be taken over three consecutive days. If no E. coli is detected on three consecutive days, then the Council and Regional Public Health can remove the boil water notice. All going to plan this could be early next week.
In the meantime, please continue to boil water for drinking, making up formula, juices and ice, washing fruits and vegetables, other cooking needs, or brushing teeth.
Safe drinking water is available to the public from the emergency water bladders behind the Waihinga Centre, outside the Wharekaka aged-care home, Martinborough School, the golf club and rugby club.
Regional Public Health continue to report that the level of illness is not above that expected at this time of year. Wairarapa DHB has reported no presentations at ED in association with this event.
Further information is available at swdc.govt.nz or call 06 306 9611.