Youth Development Training

Thank you for checking out our Youth Development Training opportunities.
As part of our shared commitment to Te Rautaki Rangatahi or Wairarapa – the Wairarapa Youth Strategy, the three Wairarapa District Councils offered Mana Taiohi and Code of Ethics Training to youth workers and rangatahi/youth in the Wairarapa in April 2024.
We are incredibly grateful to Matthew Renata who facilitated the Mana Taiohi and Code of Ethics Youth Development training in April.

If you have any questions about the training, check out the Q&A below. If you have additional questions, about future training opportunities, please contact:
- South Wairarapa: Siv Fjaerestad
- Carterton: Megan Pullin
- Masterton: Tammy Merriman
(On behalf of the Masterton, Carterton and South Wairarapa District Councils)
What is the purpose this training?
Mana Taiohi and Code of Ethics training is in huge demand across the motu. Over the past 8 months Ara Taiohi and YMCA have been offering a number of free trainings for youth workers in cities and main centres. We are also aware that there are many volunteer and unpaid youth workers in the Wairarapa and that many rangatahi / youth are the first port of call for friends and peers that are having a rough time. We are therefore working with skilled facilitators to make this training accessible for our community.
The purpose of delivering Mana Taiohi and Code of Ethics Youth Development Training in the Wairarapa is to
- support rangatahi / youth in the Wairarapa to have opportunities to grow, develop and reach their full potential;
- provide high quality professional development to wider Wairarapa Youth Development Sector, especially volunteer youth workers and rangatahi / youth who themselves have stepped into roles of representing and supporting their peers
- strengthen the relationships and networks between youth development workers and rangatahi / youth across the region
- provide opportunity to explore and grow a supportive ecosystem for rangatahi / youth to thrive over the next 5 years.
What is Mana Taiohi?
Informed by te Ao Māori, youth development evidence and extensive consultation with young people and those who work with them, Mana Taiohi is the basis for effective and ethical responses to young people in Aotearoa. We know young people thrive when they are put at the centre of the decisions that affect their lives, when they are supported in the context of their whakapapa and connections, and when their mana is upheld.
What is Code of Ethics?
Code of Ethics Youth Development is an agreed set of guidelines for Youth Work in Aotearoa to ensure that youth work is carried out in a safe, skilled, ethical manner.
The Code of Ethics for Youth Work in Aotearoa New Zealand is designed for youth workers but is relevant to all individuals working with young people and provides guidance to keep workers and the young people they work with safe.
Will you offer this type of training in the future?
We are currently working with a number of agencies, to understand the opportunities for delivering Mana Taiohi and Code of Ethics Youth Development Training on a more regular basis to the Wairarapa Youth Development Sector over the next few years. We are not sure what this will look like. However, if you let us know that you’d like to be contacted in case of any future trainings in the EoI, we will keep you informed of any developments concerning future trainings under the Youth Strategy that we are aware of.