Private Plan Change Request and Resource Consent for the Orchards Retirement Village, Greytown

What is the proposed plan change request?

South Wairarapa District Council has accepted a request for a Private Plan Change to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan (the Plan) from The Orchards Limited Partnership which includes the following components:

  • re-zone the land at 67 Reading Street and 31 Market Road, Greytown, commonly known as Murphy’s Orchard, from Rural (Primary Production) Zone to Residential Zone with a character area overlay specifically for the Orchards Retirement Village to enable the development and operation of a continuing care retirement village (up to 180 independent dwelling units), rest home, hospital, dementia care (up to 120 beds) and ancillary activities;
  • introduce a new policy in the Residential Zone to provide for the retirement village development within the Orchards Retirement Village Character Area;
  • introduce a new Controlled Activity Rule at 5.5.3 of the Plan to provide for the above development with proposed matters over which Council will retain control;
  • introduce a new Non-Complying Activity Rule at 5.5.6 of the Plan to address non-retirement village residential development within the Orchards Retirement Village Character Area;
  • introduce new subdivision standards at 20.1.2(a) of the Plan to provide for future subdivision within the Orchards Retirement Village Character Area as a Controlled Activity and associated assessment criteria;
  • introduce a new definition of Retirement Village;
  • introduce a new Appendix to the Plan to include the Orchards Retirement Village concept plan; and
  • other consequential amendments to give effect to the purpose and scope of the request.

Section 32 analysis
Further information request
Further information response

Making the Plan Change Operative

Notice pursuant to clause 20 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991 making plan changes 10, 11, and 12 Operative.

On the 6th of April 2022, the South Wairarapa District Council resolved to make the following Plan Changes Operative pursuant to clause 20 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991:

Plan Change 10 – Notable Trees

Plan Change 11 – Orchards Retirement Village

Plan Change 12 – Dark Sky

The South Wairarapa District Council hereby gives public notice that the following plan changes are to be made operative and incorporated into the Wairarapa Combined District Plan on the 22nd of April 2022 being no less than five working days after the issue of this notice.

A copy of the notice and amended Wairarapa Combined District Plan can be found below, at Councils offices in Martinborough, and at the Featherston, Greytown and Martinborough Public Libraries.

Amended Wairarapa Combined District Plan

Independent Hearing Commissioners decision and Council’s Resolution on Private Plan Change

Notification of decision on Private Plan Change (The Orchards Retirement Village) to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan under Clause 11 of the First Schedule, Resource Management Act 1991.

The resource consent for the establishment and operation of the 180-unit retirement village was granted by the Hearing Commissioner on the 2nd October 2019 subject to conditions. At the time of this decision, the Hearing Commissioner recommended that South Wairarapa District Council approve the request to rezone land from Rural Primary Production to Residential including a Character Area Overlay to provide for the establishment and operation of the retirement village.

The Private Plan Change was presented to Council on the 20th of November in which Council adopted the Commissioners decision on rezoning the land to Residential. Council’s decision was granted on the 20th November 2019.

The decision of the Hearing Commissioner and Council Resolution that ratified the Private Plan Change are available to be viewed at:

  • South Wairarapa District Council offices, 19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
  • Greytown, Martinborough and Featherston Public Libraries
  • Documents provided below

Any person who made a submission on the Plan Change may appeal the Council’s decision to the Environment Court, in accordance with Clause 14 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, in respect of:

a) a provision included in the proposed plan change; or

b) a provision that the decision on submissions proposes to include in the plan change; or

c) a matter excluded from the plan change; or

d) a provision that the decision on submissions proposes to exclude from the plan change.

A person may appeal only if the person referred to the provision or matter in their submission on the Plan Change. Any appeal must be in the prescribed form and lodged with the Environment Court by the 31st January 2020.

Please phone the Planning Department at South Wairarapa District Council on 06 306 9611 if you have any questions about the Private Plan Change.

Harry Wilson

For and on behalf of the

Hearing Commissioner’s Decision and Recommendation
Minute 3
Council Resolution

Link on how to make an appeal to the Environment Court

Any questions

If you have any questions about the Private Plan Change request, please email or phone the Planning Office at South Wairarapa District Council on 06 306 9611.  

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