Nominations have now closed for the Featherston and Greytown Community Boards and as the number of nominations exceed the number of vacancies elections will be conducted by using the First Past the Post voting system to determine the successful candidate. The election will be conducted by postal voting and will open on Friday 27 January and close at 12 noon on Tuesday 18 February 2020.

Featherston Community Board – 1 extraordinary vacancy
TAHINURUA Jayson   Independent
SMITH Sophronia

Greytown Community Board – 1 extraordinary vacancy
WILKIE Hilary   Independent
BAKER Simone   Independent

As previously advertised the candidate names will be listed in pseudo-random order on the voting papers. A draw was conducted after the close of nominations to determine the order of candidates which was open to the public.

Candidate profiles and contact details available here.

Enrolment and Special Voting Arrangements
Residents within the above Community Board areas who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this election can enrol by calling 0800 36 76 56, visiting the Electoral Commission Website (www.vote.nz) or obtaining enrolment forms at postshops or South Wairarapa libraries or offices up to 4pm Monday 17 February 2020.

Featherston and Greytown ratepayers who live outside the community board area(s) and who are not listed on the final electoral roll for this election can obtain an enrolment form from the South Wairarapa District Council Office or website up to 4pm on Monday 17 February 2020.

Special voting facilities for the above election will be available at the South Wairarapa District Council office, 18 Kitchener Street, Martinborough during normal office hours between Friday 27 January and 12 noon on Tuesday 18 February.

For more information contact:

Warwick Lampp
Electoral Officer
PO Box 3138, Christchurch 8140
Phone:  0800 666 935

posted 23 December 2019; updated 3 February 2020

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